When you first launch a JetBrains product it will ask you to license it. We have floating licenses that a student can claim and use. When a JetBrains product loads it will present the below screen to activate the product, in this example we are using IntelliJ IDEA, but it should be the same across all of their products.

Click the License Server option like below. If you are on OTC’s campus it should automatically fill in the Server address with the correct URL in a few seconds:


If not, you can put in this URL: https://ozarkstech.fls.jetbrains.com/

You will need to use that if you are not using an OTC computer.

With the Server Address filled out you can click the Activate button which will show a message in red requiring authorization. Click the authorization procedure link


The link will open a web browser and present you with the screen shown below:


Choose the blue OTC icon to sign-in with your normal OTC account. This will take you to our normal sign-in page where you can sign-in with your OTC account. Once signed in it will take you to this page below where you can claim the license, click the Accept button:


You should be able to close the browser window and return to the activation screen for JetBrains. Click the Activate button again to activate the software:


Once activated it should present you with a screen like this:


The software is now activated and ready to use.