Using the Student Courses by Term Report

Using the Student Courses by Term Report

The Student Courses by Term report can be found on the College Navigator dashboard under the Ongoing Reports tab. It returns a list of the courses a student is taking for a specified Academic Period (Term). This report can be further filtered by Student Success Team Member, Section Name, and Course Type.

Customizing the filters

Click the blue “View Report (Student Courses by Term)” link below to navigate to the full report.

Click the funnel button at the top right of the screen to open the Filter Panel.


This will display all currently active filters and what values they are filtering on. Note that if you had any values chosen from the filters on the dashboard, those will be carried over as well.

Any selected Dashboard Filters (Navigator or Active/Passive) will be carried over as well

To filter results to only show students enrolled in specific courses:

  1. Click the Section Names filter

  2. If the Operator is not set to “contains”, select it from the drop down menu

  3. Enter a list of courses separated by commas

  4. Click Apply to apply the filter and refresh the results.

You can filter by partial course names, but they need to be formatted as AAA-000-000 (for example, “MTH-100” will work, but “MTH 100” will not).

To exclude online courses:

  1. Click the Course Type filter

  2. Make sure the Operator is set to “excludes”

  3. Type “On-Line” into the textbox

  4. Click “Apply” to refresh the results



If you close the report and return to it later, the filters will be reset to their default state. You can export the results or save a copy of the report with your selected filters by clicking the dropdown arrow at the top right of the screen.