Career Center Review Tool

Career Center Review Tool


Links and Reminders:

 Here is the Sandbox “test” environment for Salesforce link: Log In Using | Salesforce

  • Here is the link to fill out the application as a pretend student, see the decision letters after review, etc: https://ozarkstech--full.sandbox.my.site.com/apply/

  • Use App Review Tool from the muffin tin/app launcher to start reviewing applications in test. You are welcome to submit applications, fill out the recommendation form, go through review tool, view decision letters to practice, if you wish.

  • We will be sure you have access to the Salesforce production environment when we go live.

  • We will be moving all of this to the live CRM production environment before the launch.


I have attached the following documents:

 A PDF reference guides for your Review Tool process. Just a reminder: the link in the guides goes to the production/live version of salesforce and will not have access to any of your review tool processes. Use the test links above to submit applications or go through the review tool as a test before the launch 2/5/24.

  • A word document describing all Application Review List definitions.

  • A word document showing your decision letter pathway.


As discussed in the meeting today, please email me the following information once your team has had a chance to discuss:

 What reports you will require prior to 2/5/24 launch. Please be sure to include what columns need to be displayed and what information you need in the report. It may be helpful to know what you will be using the report for to give it some context for us.

  • What columns you would like displayed in the Application Review lists page. We will do our best to accommodate.

  • Reminder of the changes you want made to the admissions decision selections in the Admin Review application list. I believe you said you needed Not Accepted, Accepted 1st Choice, Accepted 2nd Choice, Accepted 3rd Choice, Waitlisted.

  • Reminder of what combined lists you want. I believe you mentioned a list of all accepted (not segregated by admin or staff or choice).

  • Any other items you would like to request that will be required prior to launch. Please keep in mind, any enhancements or changes may need to wait until after 2/5. It will depend on timing and what the request is. We will absolutely do our best to accommodate.