Known Issue: "This is not a valid file name" when saving files in OneDrive

This article is for users who receive this error in Microsoft Office while trying to save a file into a OneDrive location that has many folders or a long filename:

“This is not a valid filename. Try one or more of the following:
*Check the path to make sure it was typed correctly.
*Select a file from the list of files and folders.”

The error does not occur when saving files in locations that are not in OneDrive, or does not occur for shorter filenames.


The error looks similar to this:

This error occurs due to the way Office translates file and file path names between OneDrive on Sharepoint and the local Windows copy. Additional characters are silently added which results in Microsoft translating this total file name as longer than it really is, which hits Microsoft OneDrive and/or Windows file name character limits.


Currently the only solution is for users to shorten their folder and file names until the error does not occur. Many layers deep of nested folders may hit this problem even if the filenames are short. In these cases, a user may need to reorganize their file system so that there are fewer subfolders within subfolders.

If you need additional help with this topic, please contact the Help Desk.