How to: Signagelive

This article will cover different aspects of Signagelive, including accessing networks, creating playlists, and publishing to Signagelive players.

Gaining Access to a Signagelive Network

Think of a Signagelive network as an umbrella that has different signage players under it - for example, there are two signage players in Lincoln Hall that are associated with the Health Services Signagelive network. In order to edit the content playing on those two players, a person would need access to the Health Services Signagelive network.

To gain access to a specific player/network, email specifying the username of the person who needs access, and which signage players or networks they need access to. If you are unsure of what network a player resides in, you can simply tell us the location of the TV in question that is playing signage, and we can figure it out from there.

Once granted access, you will receive an invitation email for Once you log in, you will have access to a specified Signagelive network:


Uploading Images/Assets

A playlist includes the content that is displayed on the Signagelive players. To make new content:

  1. Click the Content tab, then Playlist, then Create/Edit:


  2. You are now on your playlist management screen. Click the blue + button on the upper-left, then click Media Asset Upload to upload your assets:


    • Note: You can upload individual image assets or a singular mp4 file.

  3. The Media Asset Upload dialog box will launch. You can click the box to add content, or drag and drop content into the box. Once you have added content select the check box next to "I confirm I have permission from the content owner to use and distribute these assets." Your assets will automatically upload.

  4. Once uploaded, you can move assets into folders for organizational purposes. To make a new folder, use the same blue + button as before and create a new folder.


Creating a Playlist

Now that you have assets uploaded to Signagelive, it is time to create a playlist with them.

  1. To create a new playlist OR edit an existing playlist, click the Content tab then select Playlist, then Create/Edit:

    • To edit an existing playlist, click the Open Playlist button:


  2. To create a new playlist, drag content to the right side of the window:


  3. When you are done selecting assets, preview the playlist by clicking the Preview Playlist button:


  4. When you are ready, save this playlist by clicking the Save Playlist button: