ICE 224 / Simmons Conference Room - Equipment Instructions

ICE 224 / Simmons Conference Room - Equipment Instructions

Instructions for using the TV and media equipment, using either the in-room computer, or a laptop, or both.

Using the Media:

  • Presentations can be displayed on your preference of either or both of the TVs in the conference room.

  • The TV on the wall is labeled Output A. Turn on this TV by using the power button on the remote control labeled Output A.

  • The TV on the rolling cart in the corner is labeled Output B. Turn on this TV by using the power button on the remote control labeled Output B.

    • Note: The remote controls will only be used to turn the TVs ON or OFF. All other functionality will be controlled with the Matrix Remote, described later in this article.

  • The HP Mini computer is behind Output A on the left side. Note: If the computer appears shut down, the Mini power button is on the computer behind the TV.

  • The wireless keyboard and mouse on the counter can be used to interface with the computer. (The keyboard and mouse can be moved throughout the room as needed.)

  • The HP Mini computer is on the OTC network, and can be used to access network files.

  • The USB cable is located under Output A, for flash drive use.\

Personal Device:


  • Plug the laptop in using the HDMI cable, which is hanging along the left edge of the TV labeled Output A. 

  • There is a second wireless mouse and keyboard in the drawer below the TV that can be used with a laptop, which would give greater mobility. In the zippered case containing the mouse, there is a small USB connection to plug into the laptop this will wirelessly connect the mouse and keyboard to the laptop.

    • Note: Only the mouse and keyboard in the drawer will work with a laptop.

AirServer (Apple Devices)

Displaying to the TVs:

  • For each function listed below, make sure you turn on the TV you wish to display content: Turn on Output A TV using the Sharp remote, and Output B TV using the NEC remote.

  • The buttons inside the box labeled Output A control what displays to the TV labeled OUTPUT A.

  • The buttons inside the box labeled Output B control what displays to the TV labeled OUTPUT B.

  • The buttons labeled IN1 in either box will direct the display to come from the HP mini computer.

  • The buttons labeled IN2 in either box will direct the display to come from a laptop connected through the HDMI cable.

For example:

  • If you want ONLY the in-room computer to display on ONLY the TV labeled Output A, you would push the IN1 button in the OUTPUT A box on the remote.

  • If you want the in-room computer to display on BOTH TVs in the room, you would push the IN1 button in BOTH the OUTPUT A and OUTPUT B boxes on the remote. Note: If you want the laptop to display on both TVs, you would push the IN2 button in both spaces instead.

  • If you want the in-room computer to display on Output A, and the laptop to display on Output B, you would push the IN1 button in the OUTPUT A box, and the IN2 button in the OUTPUT B box.

  • If you want the laptop to display on Output A, and the in-room computer to display on Output B, you would push the IN2 button in the OUTPUT A box, and the IN1 button in the OUTPUT B box.

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