Using PDFs in Chrome Browser

Using PDFs in Chrome Browser

In the summer of 2019, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC was removed from computer labs and classrooms as most common need for PDFs can be fulfilled by modern browsers. PDF files were set to open in Chrome by default. You can view and fill out fillable forms in Google Chrome. You cannot create or edit PDFs in Chrome. For that, you will need another program such as Foxit PDF Editor.


  • To view a PDF file linked in a webpage, simply click on the PDF link in the page. This should automatically open the PDF file in Chrome. If you are already using Chrome, it will open the PDF file in a new tab.

  • To view a PDF file downloaded to your computer, simply double-click the file in the location where you saved it. This should automatically open the PDF file in Chrome. 

  • There is a taskbar near the top of the PDF file that will collapse after a few seconds if no commands are clicked. You can mouse-over this area to bring the taskbar back into the Chrome tab window.

  • Click Download to download the PDF. If the PDF has fillable form fields, please be aware this only downloads the blank version of fillable PDFs. This is useful if you want to fill out the form in a desktop PDF application.

  • If you'd like to fill out a fillable PDF inside your Chrome window and then and save your changes, click Print instead, and then select Save as PDF or Microsoft Print to PDF and select your save location.

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