OTC Knowledge Base
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Troubleshooting articles
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How-to articles
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Sharepoint Files in Canvas Refuse to Connect
A:\ Drive
Account lockout and login errors
Accessing OTC Email through MyOTC
Add an Entry to the Address Book on an Office Copier
Adding documents and folders to a Sharepoint site
Adding Shared Mailboxes to Web Email
AirServer instructions
Attaching Files for Upload in Docusign
AVer Document Cameras
Blocked web page
Browser logging into the wrong account on a web page
Canvas is displaying last semester, incomplete, or course list in Dashboard
Changing default programs
Changing your monitor layout (display order)
Checking for and installing Windows updates
Chrome printing known issues
Chromebook use at OTC
Cisco Desk Phone Headsets
Cisco Secure Client
Citrix Workspace - Decommissioned - DO NOT USE