Rollover: What is it

Rollover: What is it

Sections are copied from one term to the next (i.e. SP22 is copied to SP23). We refer to this as the ‘rollover’. Because the sections are copied from a prior term, they will not be 100% accurate for the new term and ‘revisions’ need to be made. 


The copied/rolled term is compiled into spreadsheets per department and sent out for review. Department chairs review these copied sections and make any necessary adjustments (times, places, etc). Once they have completed their revisions, the scheduler applies the changes. 


It is a lot of data and in order to ensure it is as accurate as possible, it is important to have a solid structure in place guiding the management of this data.


Sections Not Rolled Over

  • Only Active sections are rolled over (and included on the spreadsheet). If you want a list of canceled sections, let academics know and we can help you get that information.

  • If the curriculum changed significantly for a course, it cannot be rolled over (title, credit hours, etc.). Impacted courses may not be listed on your spreadsheet. If you know any course on your spreadsheet will have upcoming curriculum changes, please note this in the ‘Notes about this Section’ column.