Sharepoint Files in Canvas Refuse to Connect

This Article is for users trying to access embedded content in Canvas that requires an Office365 Sign In, but when they attempt to sign in they get errors or it refuses to connect. This issue may happen after a username change or when a student accepts an employment position.

Problem / Information

This issue arises when the account you log into Canvas with changes after these embedded files have been shared to a student. The login the file was shared to no longer matches the login the student uses to log into Canvas with. Canvas is one of the few places the login username changes to the employee login credentials, which is the most common trigger for this problem to occur (more information).

You may run into Sign In prompts like this one:

Which results in errors that vary but usually contain “ refused to connect


The file must be re-shared to the student’s Canvas account (usually their email address). How to do this may vary depending on what type of content it is, but the Instructor will need to do this. If an instructor needs assistance with the best process for this based on the module type, they can contact the Instructional Support line at 417-447-8200 or