Microsoft Teams Installation

Microsoft Teams Installation

This article is for individuals who log into an OTC computer but Teams has gone missing or does not appear to be installed. These instructions also work for getting Teams installed on your home computer.

Teams is installed per user and an installer runs at login on OTC computers the first time a user logs into the computer. If something unexpected interrupts this install, it can cause Teams to fail to be installed properly and not try again.


These instructions do not require Administrator credentials.

  1. Go to https://teams.office.com in your web browser of choice.

  2. You might be prompted to install the App automatically:


  3. If not, you can click the three dots menu in the Web App and select Download the desktop app


This is a lightweight installer that should launch Teams within 30 seconds. It might take longer than usual to launch as it creates a number of directories during the first install-launch.

If you need further assistance, contact the Help Desk.


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