How to print from PowerPoint

How to print from PowerPoint

Consider before you print:

  1. If your PowerPoint presentation has embedded videos, you’ll want to delete them since they will not print.

  2. If you are only interested in the text and not the images, consider deleting the images to condense the presentation and reduce paper usage.

  3. If you plan to print in grayscale or black and white, you might change the background of the slides to white and the text to black for optimal readability.

  4. You might check the “Notes” section of the PowerPoint presentation in “Normal” viewing mode so that you don’t miss any information.

  1. With the PowerPoint presentation file open in PowerPoint, click File, and select Print.

  2. Configure your print options. (Letters on the image below correspond with the bulleted letters below it.) Note: Options may vary depending on the printer you’re using.

    1. Set the number of copies of the PowerPoint presentation you need.

    2. Check the printer.

      • If you intend to print in color and you are printing to an OTC printer, make sure the printer selected has a “-C” on the end of its identification number.

      • Know where the printer is in your room, hallway, or building so that you can be prepared to pick up your prints.

    3. You can set the PowerPoint presentation to print every slide, selected slides, the current slide, or you can enter a range of slides to print in the text field below the drop down menu.

    4. You can choose how the slides appear on the prints.

      • If you’d like to conserve paper, consider printing slides as “3 Slides” for notes, “4 Slides Horizontal” or “4 Slides Vertical”, or as “6 Slides Horizontal” or “6 Slides Vertical”.

    5. Set the prints to be one-sided or duplex (Print on Both Sides).

    6. Set the order the pages print in using the Collated options.

    7. Set the stapling style if your printer has automatic stabling capabilities.

      • In order to prevent hassle with either printer jams, miss-stapling, or other various points of machine failure, you might consider stapling the papers manually.

    8. Choose the orientation of the prints on the page.

      • Recommendation: If you are printing a single slide per page, a landscape orientation can increase the size of the slides.

    9. Choose whether you’d like the print in color or grayscale.

      • Note that printing in color will require more pages from your account.

      • If you choose to print in color, you will likely have to ask a computer lab attendant to release the print job to the printer; this is done to prevent accidental color prints which take more from your account.

      • Consider that if you have a colored background or colored text, printing in grayscale can make some things hard to read; you might have to change your slide backgrounds to white and text to black for optimal contrast.

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