Outlook credential reset

Outlook credential reset

If Outlook continues to prompt for log in information, there could be a problem with the saved credentials. Deleting them may help get things working correctly again.

Outlook - Deleting saved Credentials

  1. Make sure Outlook is closed.

    • You can close Outlook by simply closing the window. 

  2. Now, open Credential Manager.

    • Click the Windows icon in the bottom left and type “Credential Manager”, then hit Enter. (You can also find Credential Manager in Control Panel).

  3. Click Windows Credentials and under Generic Credentials you should see MicrosoftOffice16_Data:SSPI:[your email]@otc.edu.

  4. Click that, and click Remove. It will pop-up and ask you if you are sure; click Yes.

  5. You may need to repeat this step for all credentials with Microsoft in the name. Don't worry about breaking anything; all you're doing is removing credentials windows has saved for software that requires sign-in. The worst that will happen is you are asked to sign into programs again.

  6. Now when you open Outlook it should prompt you for your sign in information. Enter your email and password then make sure you click Remember my credentials. This will create another entry in place of the credential you just removed. 

If this did not solve your problem, you could also try to change your Outlook profile.

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