How to Change Your OTC Password

How to Change Your OTC Password

You will be prompted (via email) to change your OTC password once a year, for security reasons. You may also change your password at any other time that you wish.

Changing Your Password

OTC Computers

  1. While logged in to an OTC computer, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Change a password...

  2. Enter your Old password and New password as prompted.

Non-OTC Computers

If you are able to log into MyOTC:

  1. Log in to the MyOTC Portal.

  2. Under the User Options menu, click on the Change Password link.

If you are unable to log into MyOTC:

  1. Go to  https://password.otc.edu/

  2. Enter in your name or OTC user name

  3. Select Forgot My Password

    • Note: If you do not see the Forgot My Password option, instead click My Questions and Answers Profile. Follow the prompts there, then click the link to go Home. Then you should be able to select Forgot My Password and continue from here.

    • If you do not know your current password to complete this step, call the Help Desk at 417-447-7548. They can reset your password for you.

  4. Answer 3 security questions correctly. (If needed, unhide your answers.)

  5. Select Next

  6. Enter your new password twice

  7. The message on the next screen will read “Your password was successfully reset”

Password Requirements

  • The password must be a minimum of eight (8) characters long.

  • It must contain characters from three of the following four categories:

    1. Upper-case letters (A through Z)

    2. Lower-case letters (a through z)

    3. Numbers (0 through 9)

    4. Special characters (@, $, !)

  • It cannot contain your first name, last name, or username.

  • It cannot be any of the last 10 passwords you have used.

Keep Your Password Secure

  • Keep your password private.

  • Do not include commonly used words or identifying information such as:

    • Your name, the names of family, pets, friends, co-workers, etc...

    • Words found in a dictionary (English or foreign).

    • Personal information such as birthdate, OTC ID, address, phone, or SSN.

    • Any of the above preceded or followed by a number or spelled backward (e.g., secret1, 1terces).

  • Use a passphrase instead of a single password. Passphrases are easier to remember and type.

    • Put together multiple short words with a few numbers (e.g., Sally4readsbookS).

    • Make sure the passphrase is at least 15 characters long because you are using simple words.