Ellucian Colleague Software Update Process Overview

Ellucian Colleague Software Update Process Overview

The standard software update cycle is approximately 30 days for non-critical patches. Critical patches can be expedited based on urgency. 

  1. Receive Update Notifications (Responsibility: Ellucian)

  • Ellucian announces software updates via email.

  • Stakeholders interested in receiving software update notifications can subscribe by emailing contactinfo@ellucian.com with the subject "R18 SUDN18 role change" and request to receive software update notifications in the email body.

  1. Update LPR and Test Environment (Responsibility: IT)

  • Update the Local Repository with the latest software releases.

  • Deploy the latest software releases to the test environment.

  • Assign permissions to any new mnemonics in the test environment.


  1. Update SharePoint Site (Responsibility: IT) 

  • Update the “Colleague Software Updates” SharePoint site with key details, including, patch id, description, impacted departments and the scheduled installation date for the Colleague Production Environment.


  1. Review and Testing (Responsibility: Stakeholders) 

  • Review and test the updates over a two-to-three-week period. This timeframe allows for additional critical bug fixes from Ellucian if needed.

  • Review patch notes linked on the “Colleague Software Updates” SharePoint site. 

  • Test relevant processes. 

  • Notify IT of any issues that need resolution. 

  • Update departmental processes as needed. 

  • Inform team members of any updates or process changes as applicable.

  1. Approval from Stakeholders (Responsibility: Stakeholders) 

  • Provide IT with a “go” or “no go” decision before the scheduled installation date. 


  1. Production Deployment (Responsibility: IT) 

  • Deploy software updates to the Colleague Production Environment on the scheduled installation date. If the date changes, IT will notify stakeholders. 

  • Assign permissions for any new mnemonics in the Colleague Production Environment. 

  • Update the “Colleague Software Updates” SharePoint site with the actual installation date once the deployment is complete.