Teams Phones/Call Center
This article will instruct users on how to take, make, and handle calls in the Microsoft Teams Call Manager/Center.
How to Go On Queue
There are two ways to begin taking calls from an assigned call queue.
Method One - Call Center Team
You may have a team set up for your call center. If so:
Open Microsoft Teams.
Click on Teams on the left-hand side and navigate to your call center/queue team.
On the top menu, click on Calls.
Find the toggle option by your name on the bottom-right corner. Toggle it so that the bar is colored in.
You will now receive calls that are sent to your queue.
The toggle may be slightly delayed when you click on it. Click on it and wait a second or two - it should toggle appropriately.
Method Two - Settings Menu
You can always toggle yourself on and off the queue from the settings menu.
Open Microsoft Teams.
Click on the three dots (…) in the upper-right corner, next to your icon/avatar.
Click on Settings.
On the left-hand menu, click on Calls.
Scroll down to Call queues and toggle the appropriate queue option under Call receiving so that the bar is colored in.
You will now receive calls that are sent to your queue.
On Mobile
In a pinch, you can toggle yourself on and off queue from your mobile device Teams app.
Open your Teams app.
Tap on your avatar/portrait in the upper-left corner.
Tap on Settings.
Tap on Calling.
Scroll down until you see your call queue. Toggle on or off as desired.