How To Schedule a Report

How To Schedule a Report

This is intended for an end user to schedule a report.

The following Entrinsik support articles are used as references:

  1. To create a schedule for a given report, simply browse to the report details page and inside the Schedules tab click the New Schedule action in the action bar. This pops up the New Schedule dialog for you to create the schedule definition.


  2. The Schedule tab in the New Schedule dialog provides inputs for the schedule (defaults to the report title), a beginning and optional ending date for the schedule, a start time for the execution to run, and a variable recurrence. This is your opportunity to provide specifics about when and how often the scheduler should fire, creating a new scheduled instance each time.

    • If the report uses tables from a mapping suite, the Tables tab allows you to specify which table from the mapping suite you wish to use for the scheduled report run.

      Note: This tab will not appear if the report is not using Mapped Suites.

  3. The Report Parameters tab in the New Schedule dialog provides inputs for report runtime parameters if any exist. Just like with standard report executions, if you choose to leave a non-required field blank, that query option will be ignored and all results will be returned. This is also your opportunity to use date sensitive keywords such as TODAY-7 to provide context sensitive results with each new execution of the schedule.

    Note: This tab will not appear if the report is not using Report Parameters.

  4. You can use the date keywords below in your selection criteria. (+/- n) means days before or after the keyword. You may also use (+/- nM) to mean months before or after the keyword.

    • For example:

      • To pull data for the last 7 days, use: On or After TODAY–7.

      • To specify one month in the future, use TODAY+1M.

      • To pull results for the previous week use:

        • On or After WEEK_BEGIN-7 and On or before WEEK_END-7.

    • Keyword Meanings:

TODAY (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date the report is run (plus or minus n number of days).


Will put the value of the date of the beginning of the week the report is run. A week runs Sunday through Saturday. 

WEEK_END (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date of the end of the week the report is run. A week runs Sunday through Saturday. 


Will put the value of the date of the beginning of the month the report is run. 

MONTH_END (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date of the end of the month the report is run.

QTR_BEGIN (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date of the beginning of the quarter the report is run.

QTR_END (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date of the end of the quarter the report is run.


Will put the value of the date of the beginning of the year the report is run.

YEAR_END (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date of the end of the year the report is run.

MONTH_AGO (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date of one month before the report is run.


Will put the value of the date of one month after the report is run.

YEAR_AGO (+/-n)

Will put the value of the date of one year before the report is run.


Will put the value of the date of one year after the report is run.