A:\ Drive

A:\ Drive

The A:\ Drive is a mapped drive saved on OTC file servers that contains class data for EMP students. All students who are properly enrolled in EMP should have access to this drive in all ITTC computer classrooms and the Open Computer Lab in ICE 223. The drive maps to the filepath: \\emp\data\emp

Accessing on a Computer

Open up File Explorer and click on the A:\ Drive

Accessing on Remote

  1. Open your favorite web browser.

  2. Go to https://remote.otc.edu

  3. Log in with your username in the format otc\username (e.g. "otc\jd0123456") and your OTC password.

  4. Click on the H Drive

  5. This will download an RDP connection as an application in your web browser. 

  6. When prompted, click Connect.

  7. If prompted, re-enter your password.

  8. A virtual explorer window will pop up.

  9. In the explorer window, you can manually put in the A:\ drive path (\\emp\data\emp) to navigate there.

    • If you don't have permissions to access this filepath, you will receive an error:

  10. When you're finished with your work, close the explorer window, and sign out of RemoteApp.


Problem: I am in my EMP class or the Open Computer Lab and the A:\ Drive won't map, although I've never had this problem before.
Resolution: Restart the computer you are using.

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